Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Differance Of Ultrarunners

Ultra Runners
I was standing waiting to start a run with my Ultra Friends and thought how different they were from my RRoom group: The differance,

Non off their outfits match

They have toilet paper tied in their camel Pack

Camel Pack

Tilly Hat or floppy hat of some sort

Bag of potatoe chips, or a power bar/gell
they got as a hand out at some race.

No watch,No heart monitor, Gps or electronic gaget of any kind

Strange foot ware ,montrail,salamon,hoka or sandals

 They talk about how beautiful such and such Ultra was. Roger talks glowingly about how great the 2012 Creemore was. There were ropes for some of the climbs, 100F and Roger lapsed into a coma at the end.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Waterloo half Marathon

I had not planned to run this race as I had been training exclusively on the trails in prep. for my Ultra. I knew that I was not trained for the constant effort required in a road race. In an Ultra you sprint on the good parts, pick your way on the bad and walk the hills. But I told myself I would do it as a training race. (joke )

When I arrived I discovered that all my buddies from TO were there plus Judith an age group runner from Florida. Most of the Guys did not concern me as I had beaten them in the past, but Judith a 65 yr old 2hr runner had always given me problems and although I had beaten her, it took everything I had!

At the gun, Judith sprinted by and I unwisely tucked in behind. The course ran down into Bridgeport on the Grand River at 3K and on the bridge I discovered that we were on a 1:30 finishing pace, way too fast for me and I let her go on the up hill.

 I ran through the 10k marker at 50 minutes, I could see Judith on the rolling course about a kilometre ahead and my buddies were out of sight behind.

At the Village of Conestoga 11k I started to experience stomach cramps and as there was a 
Porta- potty I stopped, was violently sick and had a case of extreme (runners Trot s)! I almost lost my glasses, vomiting, and my running gloves, no toilet paper! 

I was there about 15 minutes and heard  my TO buddy Paul, 60 yr old runner going by. He was "high fiveing" the volunteers.

I had a pleasant run with him into town when the cramps started again. I was desperate for a rest room and was lucky enough to find a fire hall that was willing to let me use their washroom. I took advantage of thier facilities and  washed up.

I have no Idea of how long I took but when I rejoined the race, Roger came past. It was 19K for me and 40k for him. He motioned for me to tuck in behind, but there was no way I could run his -7 minute pace!

Roger was first in his class with a sub 2:50 and 8th over all, Not bad for a 60yr old. and Judith was 2nd in hers. There was only me in the 70+ so no prize for me.

Friday, March 8, 2013

I had been having trouble for some time now. It started in the fall when I discovered that I was having difficulty running at a good pace. I would start at 5 minute K`s an  easy pace for me but after 100M I would come to a gasping stop, have a server coughing  fit for five minutes before I could continue running again. This happened more and more in till at the Marathon Of Hope I had to walk most of the second half and was 11th out of 12 in my age group! I knew something was wrong because I had beaten all of these Guys at the Run For The Toad one month earlier!
 The problem was I was new to the area and had problem convincing my new Doctor something was wrong because I always tested 100% better than the average for my age! 
 On my wife's insistence I changed Doctors.
It should be noted that I am a  asthmatic but have run with this condition for years,
The new Doctor a , specialist, ordered tests and discovered an infection in the lining of my lungs, changed my Meds. an put me on azithromycin,ipratropium,advair and fluticasone. Apparently. my former meds blocked my immune system and allowed the infection to spread. 
The bottom line is, I have managed to start increasing my mileage again and although I will not be ready for the ATB in March, I should be ready for Sulphur Springs 50K in April.
 I guess the moral of this is listen to you wife!

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Cc ski Caper

I pick up Roger and headed north to Mono Nordic near Orangeville, only to discover a lack of snow, so headed further north to Mansfield where we found snow but patches of ground showing through. With some discussion we decided to head for Collingwood and Highlands Nordic where we found lots of snow.

We both decided to skate and put on our RCS skating skis. This was a compromise as neither one of us wanted to put "clister" on our classic skis. 

When we started on the flat, I discovered that my glide was almost twice the length of Roger`s "new to skating" was not transferring his weight properly to his gliding ski and was wasting a lot of energy.

All when well until we started the long "S" climb up the mountain. Roger with his superior strength just motored on, after 100M I ground to a halt gasping for air! My arms were lead, my legs in spasm and my chest in a vice. I managed to get to the 1600ft  where I found Roger waiting for me. After a decision he headed off around the longer red route and I took the shorter easy orange route. 

It is post two days now and I am still hurting!

I learned two things from this experience: 1/  I can no longer dominate Roger on the snow, Youth and strength, trumps good technique. 2/ Running miles are no longer enough, Roger has added cycling 100K per week. I must do the same.