Waterloo half Marathon
I had not planned to run this race as I had been training exclusively on the trails in prep. for my Ultra. I knew that I was not trained for the constant effort required in a road race. In an Ultra you sprint on the good parts, pick your way on the bad and walk the hills. But I told myself I would do it as a training race. (joke )
When I arrived I discovered that all my buddies from TO were there plus Judith an age group runner from Florida. Most of the Guys did not concern me as I had beaten them in the past, but Judith a 65 yr old 2hr runner had always given me problems and although I had beaten her, it took everything I had!
At the gun, Judith sprinted by and I unwisely tucked in behind. The course ran down into Bridgeport on the Grand River at 3K and on the bridge I discovered that we were on a 1:30 finishing pace, way too fast for me and I let her go on the up hill.
I ran through the 10k marker at 50 minutes, I could see Judith on the rolling course about a kilometre ahead and my buddies were out of sight behind.
At the Village of Conestoga 11k I started to experience stomach cramps and as there was a
Porta- potty I stopped, was violently sick and had a case of extreme (runners Trot s)! I almost lost my glasses, vomiting, and my running gloves, no toilet paper!
I was there about 15 minutes and heard my TO buddy Paul, 60 yr old runner going by. He was "high fiveing" the volunteers.
I had a pleasant run with him into town when the cramps started again. I was desperate for a rest room and was lucky enough to find a fire hall that was willing to let me use their washroom. I took advantage of thier facilities and washed up.
I have no Idea of how long I took but when I rejoined the race, Roger came past. It was 19K for me and 40k for him. He motioned for me to tuck in behind, but there was no way I could run his -7 minute pace!
Roger was first in his class with a sub 2:50 and 8th over all, Not bad for a 60yr old. and Judith was 2nd in hers. There was only me in the 70+ so no prize for me.