Mar 27 2014
I was able to get in over 30K last week and although it is a great improvement, I am nowhere close to were I should be. I have the ATB this weekend, a beautiful 30k around the Hamilton Bay. I have run this race 13 times and DNF,d last year the beginning of my troubles. Although I am feeling much better, this year, 30K a week is no where near the miles I need to complete the race!
The 12 times I ran it before I averaged at least 60K training Ks a week. My best times coming off a 100K training week.
So because of these reasons plus the fact I find it impossible to pace myself e.g. walk. I have decided to withdrawal from the race and concentrate on training for the Sulphur Springs Ulta. A race I have never placed in, because it attracts the best trail racers in North America and Europe