Monday, October 17, 2011

Vulture Bait 50K

I learned a lot at this race, I know its hard to believe, since I have been doing this sort of thing for about fifty years. But first I had not signed up like I had thought I had and it was only by the hard work of Jenifer, of the organizing club, that I got to race at all and second there is no point in E mailing pick up details to someone who does not have access to a computer. As a consequence I arrived late at the race. where I learned  that the cut-off times for the 50k was  on clock time not your own start time. I put in a good effort but arrived at the 25k cut-off about 7 minutes late.
In spite of this I would recommend this 50k. The trails were well marked and all the aid station volunteers were fantastic! It was one of the best run races this year

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great race. It sounds like a great set of organizers as well.
